Major Projects.

The team at Limit One Productions is constantly looking to hone their skills and push their limits. These are some of the personal and long-term projects we are currently working on that help us to sharpen our talents and test ideas that may be out of the scope of our clients’ current needs. You can trust a production team that is truly passionate about their craft if they are doing it even outside of working hours!

Limit One Productions is in post-production on a film written and directed by Eric L. Chan.


Synopsis: A man's last conversation with a virtual assistant as he lays dying after a home invasion.

Written & Directed - Eric L. Chan
Starring - Sameer Jafar & Adam Spivak
Director of Photography - Eric L. Chan & Miguel Sta Cruz
Sound & Picture Editing - Eric L. Chan
Sound Recording - Samma Su
Assistant Creative Director - Joey Christopher
Production Management - Vicki Tran

Written and conceptualized during the COVID-19 pandemic, I wrote Network when my mind was enveloped by the thoughts of a future in which everyone’s relationships were based more online than in-person. I appreciate, enjoy, and respect social media but the thought haunted me and inspired the concept behind the film.
— Eric L. Chan

This is Eric Logo


Eric also produces a series on Youtube that is dedicated to exploration, adventure, self-improvement, and just trying new things in general!

Anyone looking to insert a little spice back into their routine can join him there for some inspiration and advice. Check out his channel in the link below!